Point Cloud Getting Started

Carlson Point Cloud is an application designed to run alongside IntelliCAD or AutoCAD and bring to the user ease in processing large point datasets. It provides several methods to reduce, clean, extract from, and otherwise manipulate these datasets so that they can be processed within CAD software without the typical memory limitations found in CAD applications.

All actions performed in Point Cloud are initiated through the Point Cloud Project Manager. This manager can be brought up from your CAD application (assuming that the Point Cloud module is loaded) via the Point Clouds Project Manager menu option or with the PC_PROJECT_MANAGER command. Work in Point Cloud is arranged into projects and each project maintains a tree structure of all the data it contains. Typically, when a new project is started you will want to customize the project's various settings before any work is done.

Note Windows XP Users: Prior to running Point Cloud, it may be helpful to enable the Windows /3GB switch to allow Point Cloud to use more virtual memory, this setting helps Point Cloud regardless of how much memory your computer has. Do not use the 3G switch unless your computer has 3 GB of Ram or more.