Edit Fault Line

This command is used to edit the fault line drawn using Draw Fault Line Command. It allows to edit each vertex of the fault along with its shift displacement for each vertex and the dip angle of the fault. The fault appears in the graphic window. There are buttons for pan, zoom in/out, rotate and zoom extents. Each line of the spreadsheet may be edited to update the fault line. The Pick button at the end of the row will switch to the plan view where the new location for that point can be selected. The + Add Vertex button will add a point, the X Remove Vertex will delete a point, and the Pick Location will move an existing point.


Select fault polyline to edit: Select fault polyline
Pick new location: pick a point near vertex to be edited
Select fault polyline to edit (Enter to end):
Pick vertex to add to fault:
pick a point near vertex to add
Enter Elevation <4786.99>: enter elevation of surface topography
Enter dip angle <90.0>:
enter the dip of the fault
Enter fault shift (throw) <50.0>:
Pick vertex to add to fault (enter to end):
Pick new location:
Select fault polyline to edit (Enter to end):
pick another fault to edit

Pull down Menu Location: StrataCalc
Keyboard Command: edit_fault
Prerequisite: fault lines drawn using Draw Fault Line