Trench Network Quantities

This command calculates the trench volumes. There has to be a trench network structure that has been created beforehand and its data is store in a .sew file whose name is as same as the drawing name, otherwise you would get a error message like "Error: no data in sewer network file".
The command loads the trench network data and splits them into individual trench lines and displays them on the Calculate Trench Quantities Dialog. You can choose to calculate the trench volume of one trench line or several trench lines at a time. You need to set a Main Template in order to calculate volumes. To create a template, run Trench> Input-Edit Trench Template. The trench cut volume is multiplied by the Cut Swell Factor. Surface Target determines the Surface that the bottom of the trench is compared to, either: the Existing Surface, the Design, the Existing and Design to minimize cut, or simply to the Rim Elevations (no surface required). Trench Depths can be reported by either the bottom of the trench or bottom of the pipe by using the Depth Target pull-down. If you have Strata Surfaces defined then the program can calculate cut volumes for a strata you select. For more comprehensive reports you can customize, click on the Structure, Trench, and Depth Details Reports buttons. For the Standard Report, click the OK button.Setup Depth Zones will breakout your trench cut volumes according to user-defined "depth zones" of the trench. You can also color the trench in the drawing by these defined zones.
Draw Trench in 3D will create 3D faces for the Trench in the plan view of your drawing. Use the "Setup" button to the right to specify the Layer. Use "View > 3D Viewer Window" to display the new linework in 3D. Note: Pipes are automatically displayed in 3D from the linework created in "Draw Trench Network (Plan View)". To turn 3D pipes off in the viewer, freeze the layer created with "Draw Trench Network (Plan View)". By default this layer is "SWRNET".

Click OK to compute the template volumes. Backfill quantities take into account pipe size. A report would be shown after the calculation and any depth zone linework and 3D faces will be drawn in the plan view.


Trench Quantities Report Window
Draw zone map color legend on the screen [Yes/<No>]:
y for Yes
Pick a point for color legend:
pick a point away from site
Legend size <10.00>:
Press <Enter> for the default
Your drawing is open, has been cleaned up and pre-processed by such commands as Define Layer Target, Set Boundary Polyline, Make Existing Ground Surface and Make Design Surface. Trench structure data has been stored in a .sew file, whose name is as same as the drawing name.
Keyboard Command: calc_trench