Edit Trench Network Structure


This command edits the existing trench structure data on the drawing. There has to be a trench network structure that has been created beforehand and its data is store in a .sew file whose name is as same as the drawing name. The command first prompts you to pick a sewer structure on the drawing. If there is no such structure in the .sew file, you would get a error message like this: "Error: unable to locate structure in file C:\temp\takeoff\SANI1x.sew, otherwise this command will restore the trench structure data from the corresponding .sew file and display it on the Sewer Structure Data Dialog for editing. Click OK to confirm your modification. You are prompted to edit another structure point until you press Enter to finish. All modifications are saved in the .sew file.


Loading edges...
Loaded 4 points and 5 edges
Created 2 triangles

Select sewer structure to edit:    pick a point
Sewer Structure Data Dialog:   modify its information
Select sewer structure to edit (Enter to end):    pick a point
Sewer Structure Data Dialog:   modify its information
Select sewer structure to edit (Enter to end):   pick a point
Sewer Structure Data Dialog:   modify its information
Select sewer structure to edit (Enter to end):   pick a point
Sewer Structure Data Dialog:   modify its information
Select sewer structure to edit (Enter to end):   pick a point
Sewer Structure Data Dialog:   modify its information
Select sewer structure to edit (Enter to end):   press Enter to finish

Prerequisite: Your drawing is open, has been cleaned up and pre-processed by such commands as Define Layer Target, Set Boundary Polyline, Make Existing Ground Surface and Make Design Surface. Trench structure data has been stored in a .sew file, whose name is as same as the drawing name.
Keyboard Command: edit_trench