Edit-Assign Polyline Elevations


This command allows very precise control of 3D polylines, specifically in the ability to edit vertex elevations, as well as add, delete, or move vertices. You can also control the location of polyline vertices as defined by the station and offset of the vertices relative to a Centerline. 

Polyline vertices are designated as either Control or Free vertices.  The elevation of Control vertices are set and held, the elevations of Free vertices are interpolated.  In the drawing, control vertices are shown with red boxes, along with their vertex number and elevation.  Free vertices are displayed with blue boxes and are not annotated. 

When you run the command, you are first prompted to select a polyline to edit.  When you pick a polyline to work with, the following control panel appears on the left side of your screen.  


The top row of buttons across the top of the control panel are used to manipulate the view in the drawing with various Zooming and Panning options.  The second row of buttons will change as you select different tabs, but are essentially used to add vertices, delete vertices, or pick elevations or locations for vertices.

The four tabs in the panel provide access to control of polyline vertex Elevation, Position, Offset and Setings. 

Elevation:  This tab displays the vertices of the poyline, each with a check box to set whether it is a control vertex or free, its assigned number, its elevation, and the slope from the previous vertex to that vertex. Selecting a vertex highlights its grip in the drawing.  Once selected, you can enter an elevation or slope for that vertex in the spaces below the list, thereby automatically setting the vertex to a control vertex.  The Base Elevation is used to adjust the elevations of all the vertices simultaneously.

Position:  The Position tab displays the coordinates of each vertex.  To move a vertex, you can type in new coordinates, use the Pick Position icon to specifiy a new location for the vertex on the screen, or you can grip the vertex and drag it to a new location.

Offset:  The Offset tab requires the selection of a Centerline to reference.  Once a Centerline is designated, the Station, Slope, and Offset of each vertex relative to the Centerline is displayed and can be edited.

Settings:  The Settings tab provides control over various overall options pertaining to the use of the command. For example, hinding free vertices and setting how to report your slopes between vertices.

Right-click menu:  There is a right-click menu available at all times which also gives access to a variety of functions and settings.

Keyboard Command: edit_pline_z
Prerequisite: Polylines with vertexes