Sliding Side Area


This command adjusts one side of a polyline to meet a specified area. The existing area can be defined by a closed polyline or by picking each point in the perimeter. The desired area can be entered in either square feet or acres. The area to adjust must be represented by a closed polyline. The program moves the selected segment of the polyline in or out. The original direction of the segment is maintained.


Define area by points or closed polyline [Points/<Linework>]? press Enter
Select polyline segment to adjust:
pick a point on a closed polyline
Keep existing polyline [Yes/<No>]? press Enter
Area: 176044.14 S.F, 4.0414 Acres
Remainder/Acres/<Enter target area (s.f.)>: 17800

Linework Polyline method:
Original perimeter polyline on left, adjusted perimeter on right
Points method

Pulldown Menu Location: Area/Layout
Keyboard Command: ssarea
Prerequisite: A closed perimeter polyline
File Name: