Import Pit Timing Data


This routine imports timing data values into pits from an external text file. It uses a custom formatter, similar to the custom import drillhole formatter to handle different text file formats. This routine is useful when the data for timing is prepared in a spreadsheet or another means. There is an option to bring in the qualities only, if the amounts are assigned already. The command can bring in the following pre-assigned parameters: Pit Name, Site Name, Key Volume, Key Tons, Non-Key Volume, Difficulty Factor, Start Date and Bench Number. Also, any user added quality attribute is inserted with the "Add Attribute" button.

Shown is a sample text file from a spreadsheet. It is saved as a comma-delimited file (*.csv), which the routine will bring directly in. It imports files with extensions of TXT, CSV, DAT and ASC. Be sure the Site and Pit names are spelled and identified exactly as they appear in the drawing. Shown below is a sample file in Excel.

The Formatter Window is very easy to use. Simply add the desired items from the available window to the used window. Items in the used window should be arranged in order from top down in the fashion they appear in the text file being imported, from left to right.

Pulldown Menu Location: Boundary, Pit Timing Quantities
Keyboard Command: tmimport
Prerequisite: A pit data file and pits on screen
File Name: \lsp\corehole.arx