Surface 3D Viewer


This command reads directly from any surface model file (.TIN, .FLT or .GRD) allowing dynamic 3d viewing without needing any entities in the drawing representing the surface.

Once a file is selected and the Surface 3D Viewer starts, the easiest way to manipulate the viewing angle is with the mouse.  Placing the cursor within the surface area and dragging in any direction adjusts the angle of the surface, pivoting about the X and Y axes.  Placing the cursor outside the surface and dragging adjust the location of the camera relative to the surface, pivoting about the Z axis.  These parameters can also be controlled through various controls on the View Control tab.


Ignore Zero Elv:  Ignores any surface data at elevation 0.

Color by Elevation:  Applies a colorization to the surface based on elevation ranges.

Vertical Scale:  This option allows the user to specify a vertical exageration factor to aid in viewing flat surfaces with little relief.

Control for position of the light source, viewed from above.

Zooms in.

Zooms out.

Zoom in/out by dragging left mouse button.

Rotates the main animation window in any X, Y or Z direction by holding down the left mouse button.

Converts the left mouse button to a pan funtion.   Holding down the mouse scroll wheel will also pan.

Toggles shading on and off.  This is only active when the surface has been defined with screen entities.

Pick mode.  Pick on model to list elevation.

Restores plan view.

Rotation axes sliders.

Exits the Surface 3D Viewer

Advanced tab:

Block model objects and layers are only used in the Carlson Mining applications.

Shading mode refers to which side of 3D Faces are shaded.

Sets the AutoCAD drawing editor to the same viewpoint as currently displayed in the Surface 3D Viewer.

Saves the current view as an image file.

Saves named views.  Type a view name and pick Save.  Pick saved views from list and pick Set to restore to viewer.

Clip Plane:  Adjust slider to clip viewing plane.

Pulldown Menu Location: Surface > 3D Views
Prerequisite: Surface Model file (.TIN, .FLT or .GRD)
Keyboard Command:
File Name: