Export Topcon TIN File


This command writes a Topcon TIN file (.TN3) from 3d Faces, TIN lines, or triangulation files (.TIN, .FLT).  If you choose to export from an existing surface file (.TIN or .FLT), you are only prompted to specify the file to read and the name and location for the Topcon file (.TN3) to create.  If you specify the use of Screen entities for the source data, the following prompts are presented.

Choose Type of Export
Source Units: Select the appropriate unit type of the entities to be exported, then press NEXT.

If the Triangulation File option is chosen, a standard windows file selection dialog will open to allow for the selection of the .flt file.

If Triangulation Edges or Faces are used for the export, you must select the entities to be exported from the screen. The following dialog opens:

Manually Select allows on-screen selection with any of the various methods (Window, Crossing, Crossing Polygon, etc.)

All on a Selected Layer allows selection of a single entity. The command then selects all Lines or 3DFaces on the layer of the selected entity for export, filtering entities not on selected layer.

Generally, you can select any entities drawn on the screen without special care. The command filters out all types except Lines or 3DFaces depending on the type selected.

When Processing Lines: Crossings, crossing polygon, and fence selection sets can often result in "spikes" around the edges. The command generally discards these spikes, or reconnects them. In any case, better results are developed with clean selections of drawing entities.

Pressing NEXT will open the following dialog:

Other Features to Export: Often times, landmark lines, or other features will assist in orientation to the user when using the TN3 file in the field. For example: Property lines, project centerlines, or other well established reference lines. These features may be added and displayed on the TN3 by choosing them at this prompting. The Other Features dialog opens with all three Source  Formats.

Selections are made as described above.

Once the selections are made and the dialog reappears, press NEXT.

Naming the TN3 File: After all the triangulation and feature items are selected from the graphics screen, the command requests a name for the output file. Once a name is given, the following dialog reviews all the selections made. A description for the job can be added at this time. Press Finish when ready to proceed.

The program will process the selected entities and/or files and report as shown here:

To view the final output, press the Run Simulation button, or press Exit to return to the Carlson program.

Run Simulation Dialog

Pulldown Menu Location: Surface > Import/Export
Keyboard Command: topcon_tin
Prerequisite: 3D Face entities plotted usually created by the Make 3D Grid File command, or a surface file (.TIN or .FLT)
File Names: