Draw Section/Template DWG


This command is step one in the Point on Section procedure. It inserts a section or template drawing to scale on a standard section sheet. The section or template must be an existing, separate AutoCAD drawing (.DWG) file. Prior to running this command, the scale and text size should be set with the Drawing Setup command found on the Settings menu.


Enter the horizontal scale <1.0>: press Enter
Enter the vertical scale <1.0>: press Enter
Three file selection dialogs follow.
Choose Standard Section Sheet: pick existing .DWG file The standard section sheet is an AutoCAD drawing created at 1'=1' with it's insertion point coordinates 0,0 at the lower left gridline.
Choose Profile File: pick existing .PRO file The profile (.PRO) file for the vertical alignment defines the insertion elevation for the template insertion point.
Choose Tunnel Template: pick existing .DWG file The tunnel or section template is an AutoCAD drawing created at 1'=1' with the insertion point for the template at coordinates 0,0.
Enter profile station for section/template: 117060
Enter or pick section/template insertion point pick a point or press Enter for none
The standard section sheet with template in the center of sheet at the input horizontal and vertical scales is plotted.

Section sheet with template

Pulldown Menu Location: Sections > Points On Section
Keyboard Command: tunnel
Prerequisite: Vertical alignment in .PRO file, template or section drawings, and section sheet drawing.
File Name: \lsp\tunnel.lsp