Cut/Fill Centroids


This command finds the centroids for each cut and fill area between two tin surfaces (.flt or .tin files), with options to draw centroid boundaries,  label centroid amounts, and hatch the areas.  Included is a routine to find the optimum movement of the cut to fill volumes which minimizes the total volume distance moved. This routine finds all of the areas of cut and fill, and it locates the center of mass, also called the centroid or center of gravity, for each area.


Cut & Fill Centroid Locator Dialog
Select Original Ground Surface Dialog 
Select an existing .flt or .tin file.
Select Design Surface Dialog Select an existing .flt or .tin file.

Pulldown Menu Location: Grading
Keyboard Command: cutfillc
Prerequisite: Two triangulation files, (.flt or .tin)
File Names: \lsp\tri4.arx, \lsp\poly3d.arx