

The Add button is used to add each channel to the watershed design.

Command Prompt:
Select tributary channel polyline. Select objects

The user selects the polyline that represents the valley bottom for a channel that is to be added to the GeoFluv™ design. The selected polyline must meet the following criteria:

When executed correctly, the command prompt reads, “Creating final design surface . . . DONE”, GeoFluv™ adds the channel to the design, lists it in the Current Channel menu, retains the input settings from the previously added channel, designs the channel based on those input settings, and recalculates and displays the channel length, subwatershed area, and subwatershed drainage density. The user can view the channel’s vertical curve profile and edit any of the channel design input settings. When the user left-clicks on a channel name in the Current Channel field, GeoFluv™ draws an arrow on the design pointing to that channel. 

GeoFluv™ uses a consistent naming convention for channels, because this has been found to be a very important attribute for communication when taking designs to the field. Everyone involved with the project, from the designers to surveyors to equipment operators can clearly know what part of the project is being discussed when following this consistent naming convention, and this minimizes the chances of miscommunication and mistakes. GeoFluv™ uses the main valley bottom channel that drains to the watershed’s local base level for the primary name, for example “Carlson Arroyo”. The channels tributary to “Carlson Arroyo” have alphanumeric names that follow the hydrologic right- and left-bank convention, that is, right and left bank when facing downstream. The first tributary downstream of the headwaters entering “Carlson Arroyo” on its right bank is labeled “Carlson R1” and the first tributary entering on the left bank is “Carlson L1”. This convention is applied to the tributaries themselves, so that the first tributary entering “Carlson R1” on its left bank is labeled “Carlson R1L1”, and so on. GeoFluv™ will revise the naming sequence so that when all the channels in the watershed have been added, each channel will be named correctly following this convention.

To name the channels differently, simply type the preferred name into the edit box in the Change Channel Name dialog box accessed using the Channels tab's Name button.