Tablet Template

If you have a digitizer you will probably want to plot a copy of the Carlson tablet menu. After installing Carlson, start AutoCAD and plot a copy of the drawing file TABLET.DWG located in the Carlson support directory (i.e: \Carlson2007\SUP\TABLET.DWG), at a scale of 1=1. You may want to review the drawing in the drawing editor to determine layer names and colors to set up a color version of the template. You can also modify this drawing to add your own symbols and details to the tablet menu. After plotting, secure the Carlson template drawing to your digitizer. The proper scale is 1=1 for a 12" x 12" tablet. It can also be plotted at a smaller or larger scale to suit other tablet sizes.

Once you have a hard copy of the tablet, AutoCAD needs to be configured for the tablet. Type TABLET at the AutoCAD command prompt. Refer to the AutoCAD Reference Manual for details on the menu area points and number of columns and rows. The tablet template is in the standard AutoCAD template format which means if you are using any of Autodesk's other templates you can easily switch between different control  menus.