Fence Diagram


Fence Diagram produces a profile of the surface and strata along the selected baseline polyline--a geological cross-section. This command is somewhat similar to the command Profile from Surface Model. Fence diagrams are a good way to verify that the strata model is correct-especially when the drillholes are plotted on them with Draw Geologic Column. The first step is to draw a baseline polyline in plan view from which the fence diagram is created. This polyline can have more than two points and can either go to drillholes or between them. The Fence Diagram can either be drawn on a 2D grid off to the side, or in 3D, and rotated around in 3D. Fence Diagram derives the strata profiles by either gridding, a Precalculated Grids file, or intersection method. There are many options for scale, hatching and labeling. They are explained separately below. 


Fence Diagram Settings dialog box
Select polyline to pull fence diagram from:
pick the polyline
Select surface entities & at least 3 drillholes.
Select objects:
Select the drillhole symbols and surface entities. Surface entities can include points, lines, and polylines.
Reading points ... 139
Reading drillholes ...
Choose modeling method (<Triangulation>/Inverse dist/Kriging/Polynomial/LeastSq)?
Press Enter
Pick the lower left corner for the fence diagram: pick a point in a clear area of the drawing

Drop-Down Menu Location: under StrataCalc
Keyboard Command: fence
Files: fence.lsp, makegrid.arx, corehole.dcl