Export Drillhole


This command creates a standard format text file of drillhole data from drillholes selected from the drawing. There is a choice between the Complete and Simple standard drillhole formats. Examples and descriptions of these formats is in the Import Drillhole section. If you are looking to get the drillholes out into a standard format, such as in Microsoft Excel, then use Drillhole Reports - Custom Drillhole Report and use the Report Formatter to dump them to Excel. 


Choose text file to create
Drillhole export file format (Simple/<Complete>)?
press Enter
Select the Drillholes to export.
Select objects:
pick the drillholes
Writing file c:\drawings\data\drillhole.txt

Pulldown Menu Location: Drillhole in Advanced Mining, StrataCalc in Mining
Keyboard Command: chexport
File Name: \lsp\corehole.arx