Coal Section to Drillhole


This command converts the strata data in coal sections into drillhole format. Coal sections are created in the Works pull-down menu of the Standard Mining Module and consist of strata names with thicknesses. Drillholes consist of a surface elevation and strata with top and bottom elevations. Since coal sections contain no real world elevation, the program needs two elevations to assign Z values to make the drillholes. The two elevations are the surface elevation and the top of section elevation. These elevations can be entered for each drillhole or calculated from a surface model defined in a grid file. The top of section elevation represents the top elevation of the first strata in the section. The top and bottom strata elevations for the drillhole are calculated using the top of section elevation and the thicknesses.

The program also prompts for the strata names to use in the drillhole in case the drillhole names differ from the coal sections names. For example, consider this coal section:


In order to avoid duplicate strata names in the drillholes, the two coal section strata named C could be named Coal 1 and Coal 2 for the drillholes.


Drillhole Configuration File Dialog
Choose a drillhole configuration file (*.ch).
Coal Section Configuration File Dialog
Choose a coal section configuration file (*.sc).
Select coal sections.
Select objects:
pick coal section symbols
Select Surface Grid
Optionally choose a grid file that models the surface elevation. The drillhole surface elevation will be derived from this grid file. Choose Cancel if there is no surface grid and the program will prompt for the surface elevations.
Select Top of Section Grid
Optionally choose a grid file that models the elevation of the top of the first strata in the coal section. Choose Cancel if there is no top of strata grid and the program will prompt for the coal section elevations.
Enter strata name for section coal <COAL>: press Enter
Is strata COAL key or non-key (<Non-key>/Key)? Key
Enter strata name for section rock <ROCK>: press Enter
Enter DrillHole name: 15-A
Enter DrillHole description: press Enter

Pulldown Menu Location: Drillhole in Advanced Mining, StrataCalc in Mining
Keyboard Command:
File Name: \lsp\corehole.arx