Fix Point Attribute Overlaps


This command is to be used to adjust point attribute labels to avoid overlapping labels. It applies adjustment methods based upon user-specified ordering and tolerances. The command steps you through any remaining overlaps in an Overlap Manager, which includes the capability to manually move labels. This point overlap feature is also available within the Draw-Locate Point and Field To Finish commands.

Methods: There are different methods of automatically solving a point attribute overlap. The methods will be applied in order from top to bottom on the Used Methods list. Unused methods appear on the Available Methods list. The methods are:

Alternate Layout ID 0-9

These methods will simply apply the specified attribute layout ID and then check to see if the attributes of the point in question still overlap. The different attribute layout IDs can be seen in the Point Defaults command on the Points menu.

Flip Individual Attributes

This method tests each attribute (point #, description, and elevation) by flipping it or mirroring it the other side of the point. The mirror is the vertical axis of the text that goes through the point entity. This method is not applied to points that have a leader.

Slide Individual Attributes
This method tests each attribute (point #, description, and elevation) by sliding it back and forth. The maximum distance the attribute will be moved is the horizontal length of the text. This method is not applied to points that have a leader.

Rotate (If Only One Attribute)
This method is applied if there is only one point attribute, either point #, description, or elevation. The one attribute is rotated around the point entity to see if the point overlap can be fixed.

Offset Attribute Block
This method is arguably the most powerful method and can solve any overlap by moving the attribute block far enough. See Offset Options below for a description of the options that can be used with this method.

Offset Options: These are the options that apply to the Offset Attribute Block method of automatically solving point attribute overlaps.
Maximum Offset Scaler: This specifies the maximum distance, in terms of multiples of the attribute block's height, that the attribute block may be offset from the point entity.
Use Leader: Specifies whether or not a leader should be drawn when offsetting the attribute block.
Minimum Leader Length Scaler: Specifies the minimum length, in terms of multiples of the attribute block's height, that the leader must be.
Draw Arrowhead: Specifies whether or not to draw an arrowhead at the end of the leader that points to the point entity.
Minimum Leader for Arrow Scaler: Specifies the minimum length of the leader, in terms of multiples of the attribute block's height, that the leader must be before an arrowhead is placed on it.

Use Selection Set for Points: Check this checkbox to be given the option of selecting which points in drawing to fix overlaps with. If not checked, then all the points in the drawing are used.

Avoid Linework Conflicts: Check this checkbox to prevent point attributes from overlapping linework in addition to other point attributes.

Review Remaining Overlaps: Check this checkbox to have the Overlap Reviewer dockable dialog come up after the automated process finishes. The Overlap Reviewer allows for reviewing the automated fixes as well as tools for manually fixing any remaining overlaps. See Overlap Reviewer below for more information.

Skip Resolved Overlaps: Check this checkbox to skip overlaps that were automatically resolved and to only review unresolved overlaps. If not checked, then both resolved overlaps and unresolved overlaps will be available for review. This option only applies if Review Remaining Overlaps is on.

Overlap Reviewer

The Overlap Reviewer will come up after automatic overlap fixing if the Review Remaining Overlaps checkbox was checked. This tool displays how many points were found, how many overlaps were fixed, which overlap is currently being viewed, how many overlaps there were total, and the point # of the current overlap. Use the First, Last, Back, and Next buttons to navigate forwards and backwards through the list of overlaps. Use the Move Block and Move Attrs buttons to manually move either the entire attribute block or individual attributes.

Pan and Zoom Controls: Use the buttons on the top to help zoom in and out and pan the drawing around. You can also use the standard mouse controls for panning and zooming.

First, Last, Back, and Next: These buttons allow you to step through each overlap or to jump to the first or the last.

Status: This drop-down list indicates the status of the current overlap. open means that the overlap has not been fixed yet. resolved means that the overlap has been fixed. ignore can be chosen by you to remove the overlap from the list.

Restore: Restores the attributes of the current point to their original location and rotation from before the Fix Point Attribute Overlaps command was run.

Move Block: Allows you to move one or more attribute blocks in the drawing. See the documentation for Move Point Attributes with Leader command in the Points menu.

Move Attrs: Allows you to move and rotate one or more indvidual attributes in the drawing. See the documentation for Move Point Attributes command in the Points menu.

Auto-Zoom: Check this checkbox to automatically zoom and pan the view as each overlap is viewed.


The following prompt will be displayed if the Use Selection Set for Points checkbox is on and OK is pressed.
Select the points to fix overlaps with:
pick the Carlson point inserts

Pulldown Menu Location: Points
Keyboard Command:
File Name: