Sequential Numbers


This command draws a text label and then increments to the next value for additional labels. The label and optionally be placed inside a circle, square or other symbol. The size of the symbol adjusts to fit the label size. First, pick one of the seven formats.

Specify the Text Size (height). Defaults to size set in Drawing Setup.
Specify the Text label.
Specify an optional text Prefix.
Specify an optional text Suffix.
When Auto Increment Labels is checked, the value entered in the Text field will be incremented by the value in the Increment field.
When Prompt for Alignment Every Time is checked, you will be prompted for the alignment angle for each label, otherwise the alignment from the first label is automatically used for the other labels.
If Auto Increment Labels is checked, Text value is incremented by the Increment value.

The label is drawn by combining the Prefix, Text and then Suffix into one text label. When placing multiple labels, the text portion of the label will increment by the value in the Increment field. For example, this command could be used to quickly label a series of boundaries by setting the Prefix to "Perimeter" and the Text field to the starting number. Then pick points inside the boundaries to label as "Perimeter 1", "Perimeter 2", etc.


Select Symbol for Numbers dialog select your symbol
Sequential Numbering Options dialog make your choices
Pick point at beginning of label: pick a point
Pick point for label alignment: pick a point to the right of the first point
Pick point at beginning of label: press Enter to end the routine

Pulldown Menu Location: Draw
Keyboard Command: numbers
Prerequisite: None
File Name: \lsp\cir_num.lsp